Sunday, August 28, 2022

Capitol Butte - Sedona, AZ

For the second time I hiked up Capitol Butte via The Lizard Head route. It was 3.3 miles round trip. I made it to the top in 3 hours. The trail ascends 1,720 feet in 1.7 miles. Getting down took me 2 hours and 10 minutes. The summit is 6,342 feet. My first time to the summit was on April 7, 2021.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

The Verde Valley - Cottonwood, AZ

I photographed these storm clouds over Sedona from where I was spending the night in my mini van.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Steamboat Rock - Sedona, AZ

I hiked a 3.1 mile round-trip hike up Steamboat Rock from Wilson Canyon. This was my second trip up Steamboat Rock. It's a fun scramble. There was also a constant threat of thunderstorms so I needed a short hike. To get to Steamboat Rock I followed the Wilson Canyon Trail for a half mile, and then turned left on the Jim Thompson Trail. Then I followed that trail for a quarter mile to where a social trail veers off to the right. From there it is almost a mile up to the top of Steamboat Rock. It took me 1 hour and 46 minutes one-way. But I stop and take a lot of photos. Total distance from the trailhead was 1.6 miles.

The yellow flowers are sulphur-flower buckwheat.