Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Elephant Mountain - Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area

I hiked up to the summit of Elephant Mountian by following the ridgeline from the Elephant Mountain Loop Trail. After 3.75 miles I reached the 3,926 foot summit in 3 hours. The most difficult part of the hike was all the loose rock. As I was coming down the mountain I slipped and put my hand out on a saguaro, and that really hurt. I thought my hand was going to be impaled by 2 inch needles. Thankfully that didn't happen, and only a little blood. But there was one needle that broke off under my flesh that I need to pry out with my tweezers. After several attempts I had managed to remove it. Even after getting stabbed by cactus, it was a great day on this mountain because I was happy, and my depression was gone, and it was a day off of work from Walmart.

There are ruins of a Hohokam fortress on this mesa.

Looking back at my route.

My route.

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