Friday, February 28, 2025

Battleship Mountain - Superstition Mountains

This was my second time to the 2,797-foot summit of Battleship Mountain. At 6 AM, I began my hike at First Water Trailhead, and followed Second Water Trail to Boulder Canyon. It was 3.6 miles to Boulder Canyon, and it took me 1 hour and 26 minutes. From there I hiked 1.2 miles southeast down Boulder Canyon where a trail went up the mountain. At this junction I was 4.7 miles from the trailhead, and I had been hiking for 2 hours and 12 minutes. At 10:12 AM, I reached the summit, and I was 5.9 miles from the trailhead. By the time I returned to my car it was 2:35 PM. My hike was 12.1 miles round-trip, and it took me 8 hours and 34 minutes.


The class 3 climb.

My 12.1 mile hike.

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