Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Bloody Basin Road - Exit 259, I-17

I wanted to see the big winter storm. So early evening, after work at Walmart I headed up to 3,850 feet elevation and slept in my car at my usual spot in the semi-desert grasslands. At dawn it was 30 degrees, and I could only see out one car window, but I was warm. Snow was still falling, and the blanket of snow that covered my car must have insulated me from the cold. I was in an igloo-car. Still, the first thing I did was start my igloo-car and get the heat going, and then clear my windows. Next was to get my igloo-car moving through 5 inches snow. I was worried about that, but despite getting stuck once I was able to drive to interstate without further problems. Meanwhile, my igloo-car had now become just a car. The traffic was light on the interstate, and I headed north into the high country. It was pure delight sleeping through a snow storm, and waking up to a winter wonderland in the usually arid grasslands. Although, I wouldn't want to do it for more than one night. The fun would drop off very fast.

I wanted to go to Sedona to photograph the snow on the red rock. But I was turned back due to a road closure at the edge of town. So I retreated to lower elevation, and drove to the beautiful and warm Camp Verde Library for the afternoon. The only library I can sit down at a table with my laptop during this pandemic. When I arrived, snow was already melting in Camp Verde, which is about 1,000 feet lower than Sedona.

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